wishing u and yr family a great year ahead
juz for laughs: 牛年新年不能说的吉祥話
財源滾滾/裁員滾滾 read as "cai yuan gun gun"
: both sound like "retrenchment abundant"
招財進寶/遭裁禁飽 read as "chou cai jin bao"
: both sound like "got retrenched and refrain from eating too full"
心想事成/薪餉四成 read as "xin xiang si chen"
: both sound like "salary now only 40% of previously had"
鴻圖大展/紅屠大斬 read as "hong tu da zhan "
: both sound like "got slaughtered"
財源廣進/裁員廣盡 read as "cai yuan kwang jin"
: both sound like "retrench as many as possible"