Monday, February 09, 2009

wat is express coffee?

means coffee that comes with a cup, hahaha...

my coll, Cheri went back to Ipoh during CNY and bought this back for us. thou Im from Ipoh but I didn't know that we hv this now. inside the pack there's cup, sugar, creamer and stirer (definately a stirer not a straw, hehe).

so where's the coffee?

hahaha, stuck in the cup
is like a tea bag and is really stuck @ the bottom of the cup. even after we poured in hot water, the bag wont float.

Ipoh Chang Jiang White Coffee - remember the brand

coffee is now ready to drink.... very express, rite?


Unknown said...

wow so convenient! Is the coffee any good?

mushroomhead said...

for instant coffee, this is good... if u are unable to drink it made @ its coffeeshop.